Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Beautiful Day!

Woody headed off to do his weekly Krogering even before I got up. He said that the early bird gets the worm. He was able to get a couple of really good buys due to getting there early before sale items were picked over. Looks like the neighbors and I will be cooking some whole chickens one way or another! I had a strange night's sleep. I went to sleep much earlier than I thought that I would be able to after such a long nap yesterday afternoon. But I woke up at 4am. I finally realized why I woke up...I was hurting...probably due to the weather front that is coming our way in a day or so. Anyway, I decided that I would study the Sunday School lesson for this Sunday and hoped that I would eventually get sleepy and go back to sleep. I did go back to sleep, but not till I had blocked in the whole lesson. At that point I only had time for a power nap before it would be time to get up, have a bite of breakfast and get ready for school.(I'm hoping that tonight I can have a regular night's sleep after two not very good night's rest in a row!) We had a usual Wednesday for school minus Graham as a student for Woody. I'm guessing that he had to make up for time missed yesterday when our church youth went on a trip to Franklin, TN to one of the Baptist Children's Homes to do some work. Schools in Tullahoma are having Spring Break, but our homeschoolers aren't. Esther is working along on a cross stitch project. She is getting the hang of following a graph and isn't needing my assistance for each stitch anymore. So today I read to her while she stitched. After school I had a quick lunch and then headed to the church to work in the library for a couple of hours. Donna and I did the normal maintenance (checking books in that had piled up from Sunday to today and then shelving them). Then we got to do one of the "fun" jobs in the library...deciding on books to order. Always fun to buy books! So we did that for a while and then called it quits. While I was at the library, Woody went on a four-mile walk. I came home to make a pot of soup only to realize that we still didn't have all the ingredients for the recipe that I was going to make. Rather than have either of us make a trip to the store, I scouted my pantry shelves to see if I didn't have ALL the ingredients for another recipe. Decided on making Red Clam Sauce and Linguine. Pretty good...made up for the mussel sauce that I made a while back that neither of us liked very well. This was definitely much yummier! While I was having school this morning Woody did some leaf mulching with the lawnmower...not the easiest of tasks for him...tired him out pretty quickly. He also mowed a strip or so of grass...first mowing of the year. As the picture shows it was an absolutely beautiful day with more things in bloom today than yesterday. We needed to enjoy it as we have a front on its way that will plunge our temperatures back to perhaps below freezing...wonder what Middle TN "winter" this will bud, dogwood or...?

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