Friday, March 20, 2015

It's Official!

Spring arrived at 5:45pm Central time!
Spring arrived on a rather dreary, drizzly day here in Middle TN...but that is good...a good day for all the spring flowers to get a real good soaking. I woke up early and started working on the Sunday School lesson for Sunday...though I haven't seemed to get too far with it. After Woody got up I headed downstairs and started on cooking our meal of the day...and hopefully several days to come! We didn't have our traditional New England Boiled Dinner (corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions) on St. Patrick's Day since we were at Vanderbilt. So I prepared it today. We enjoyed it for supper tonight. When I wasn't cooking I was flopped in my recliner either reading or working on the Sunday School foot and knee are still bothering me so trying to stay off of them as much as possible. Woody went behind me when I cooked and kept the counters all cleared. I put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher and have one pan the kitchen is pretty much clean after a big day of cooking. Woody went on a four-mile walk this afternoon while I napped! Woody says that he is feeling much better after this infusion...he said that after his walk today he felt like he could have kept on walking for a while. His cough is pretty much gone. About the only side effect that still bothers him is when he uses upper body strength and that wears him out. But I think that he is encouraged to be feeling better. Happy Spring!

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