Saturday, March 14, 2015

Soggy Saturday

Today was a continuation of photo sorting for me...once I get started I just want to get it finished. Now that I have four cameras it takes a bit longer...though lately I have been using my new point and shoot the most as I am trying to get used to it. I was almost finished with the sorting (just 10 days of pictures on one camera), but I decided that I had to stop for the day as it was about to put me to sleep...sort of hypnotizing moving pictures back and forth between computer files and creating new files, etc. So I left the computer and headed downstairs and made a new soup recipe for our supper...Beef and Barley Vegetable Soup. Quite's always amazing when just a few ingredients can meld together to make something so very flavorful. Woody went to the library and did our WalMart shopping this morning. Walking the aisles of WalMart was exercise today. There wasn't ever a very good time to go outside for a walk as there was just no telling when the rain might start up again. It's definitely soggy underfoot...good that we have stepping stones between our house and the neighbor's (Nathan and Kathy's)as they definitely come in handy on days like we have been having lately...though, today I didn't even venture out to use them as I have just stayed inside...trying to keep dry and warm. It got to almost 60 today but the dampness made it seem chillier to me.

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