Saturday, December 5, 2015

Progress? (Can You Be Fooled?)

These are some of the areas of the house that are starting to take on a semblance of order. BUT if you step back or turn around the following is what you would see:
It WILL all come together!! (I keep repeating to myself!) Today's major project for me was to make Bragg's barbecue...a lot of hours of simmering, skimming,etc...a very tiring process...thus after it was finished I found my chair and snoozed for a while this afternoon. Then I had to go down and face the clean up! The dishwasher is now going and the dishes that needed to be done by hand are done and the stove and counters are wiped off. What a job...but it is super delicious. We enjoyed barbecue sandwiches for supper. Woody ran errands this morning...WalMart grocery shopping included. He has watched football this afternoon and evening (as can be seen if you look at the edge of the picture of our fireplace decorating mess. I still haven't gotten my sewing machine cranked up...maybe in a little while...or at least by tomorrow. My back is objecting to the decorating and cooking so maybe it will enjoy resting in my sewing chair, though the recliner is sort of calling my name! All tonight's blog words can be summed up in three words: 'Tis the Season!

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