Monday, November 28, 2016

Fully Adorned!

Today we have two trees in full out and one the one out may be totally bare tomorrow...hopefully the one inside will look the same tomorrow as it does today. I knew that I had better get a picture of our Japanese maple today as we are due for rain and high winds this evening. It is raining as I type...we have had so little rain lately that it is a very welcome sound on our roof! And, I had to post a picture of our Christmas tree as I am so very happy to have it completely decorated. I had a lot of help over the weekend...Isaac and Joseph stuck with it the longest. I did have to do a little rearranging as a couple of the lowest branches were pretty heavy with ornaments. I didn't think that it would be noticed...BUT "little" Joseph went in search of a cupcake ornament that he had hung and it was no longer there...oops...Grammy found it and we put it back on "his branch" to his satisfaction! I had school this morning and then got busy on doing little jobs around the house that need to be done before my Sunday School party on Sunday. Today I did jobs that will hopefully not get undone and have to be redone! Woody got started putting boxes back into the Christmas closet. He did a lot of coming and going today. A little after Joseph and I got underway with school, Goosey (Woody) went on a four-mile walk. On the way home he circled by our pharmacy and picked up a prescription for me. Then midmorning he headed off to do Bible study with Jeff at the Life Care Center and also visited with a friend while there. This afternoon he decided that he would go to the library since he didn't get to go on Saturday. This evening he went to the Monday Night Prayer Meeting at church. He is home and we have battened down the hatches against the elements...ready for a quiet evening...except for the sound of rain and wind.

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