Monday, June 11, 2018

A Rainy Pie Day!

We have both stayed pretty busy today.  Woody got up and walked four miles early this morning.  Later in the morning he went to the Life Care Center to have Bible study with Jeff and visit with several of the other residents.  While he was gone, I decided that it was a good day to complete the latest church library memorials.  I wrote letters to donors and families of the memorialized.  When Woody got home he stamped the letters and put them in our mailbox so our mailman would pick them up today. That's always a good job to have means that the library memorials are once again caught up.

 After lunch, I decided that I would bake a pie that Woody had been waiting for me to make...a lemon meringue pie.  It was a good ending for our supper this evening.  Isaac came over while I was baking the pie.  He enjoyed scraping the pie filling pan.  I made the pie with some of the juice of the lemons that Woody had bought a while back.  I squeezed all the lemons and then portioned the juice to be stored in the refrigerator and freezer.  The same day that I squeezed all the lemons, I also zested their rind and froze it in ice today all I had to do was thaw an ice cube of rind in a sieve let the water drain off.  I even added the water that drained off the zest into the lemon juice.  The filling reminds me of the lemon meringue pies that Mother used to make.  The main change that I made was to put it in a graham cracker crust because that is the kind of crust that Woody prefers for this type of pie.

Not long after Isaac went back home, I noticed that it was getting darker and darker.  Woody had gone to the pharmacy to pick up a couple of his prescriptions and got back before the bottom fell out.  He even got to do a little more mulching of the garden at the back of the house before the rain began.  He got back up on the front porch just as it began to rain. And, it rained quite hard for a while.  After supper, Woody went to the Furnace Room Prayer meeting at church.  I had come in here to blog and Nathan and Joseph came over to ask me something...that got me pulled away from the blog and then when Woody got home I sat down to watch something on TV for a few minutes...then I realized that I hadn't ever gotten started on the now I have completed that task for today!

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