Friday, June 1, 2018

Friday Night Ball

Woody and I have just returned from the ball park.  Elijah's (and Nathan's & Woody's) team played the 7pm game.  As one of their coaches said at the end of the game...they got into the game from the start and were still in it at the finish.  They did a great job and won the game handily.  They only have one more game in the regular season (I think) and that is tomorrow afternoon (in the hot sun).  It is a make-up game.  The girls' game got rained out...less grass on a softball field than on the little league field.

Woody got up and thought that he was going to walk early this morning.  He got to the end of our street and the bottom fell out.  He was glad that he had taken an umbrella or he would have been drenched.  Since his walk was foiled, he ended up doing the grocery shopping a bit earlier than usual.  It rained off and on most of the morning.  We would think that the rain was over and would turn around and it would be back.  We have really gotten a lot of rain over the last several days.  The plants seem to be happy.  Once the storms decided to pass, I was able to get a little time at the sewing machine.  Woody ran errands for a friend later in the morning.  After lunch, it was a shoe shopping spree for part of the grandchildren and me and their mom.  Joy and Isaac went to our local family run shoe store and got what they were needing.  Abigail had found what she wanted (shoes like her volleyball teammates) at Penney's so we went there next. So three of the seven next door have new tennis shoes.

Not long before we needed to leave to go to the ball game, Woody got a call from his nephrologist's office.  His potassium level showed up quite high on his latest lab work so the doctor's office was phoning in a prescription that is supposed to lower it.  Our pharmacy didn't have that particular medicine and it was time for them to close so it was then phoned in to WalMart.  We headed out the door hoping to get the medicine prior to the game and get it quickly enough that Woody wouldn't be late with the line-up papers for the game!  We made it.  He drank the medicine on the way to the ball park!  He has to go back to get his potassium level retested on Monday.  Seems to always be something!  He did get to the ball park in plenty of time!  We found out that the young fellow who was waiting on Woody was one of my former Montessori students.

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