Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Grammy Camp: Day 2

Today we had "Art Camp."  It was not enjoyed quite as much as Cooking Camp!  They were ready to go home earlier today.  I thought that they would be so excited to get their hands on paint...well, I guess that they sort of enjoyed that part.  They also did pictures tearing construction paper and making pictures with it...that let them use the glue.  Isaac drew a magic marker picture.  And they also got to get their fingers all chalky using chalk pastels.  Joseph played with play doh, but Isaac decided that he was done at that point!  Wonder if they will come as willingly in the morning.  Tomorrow is the last day of Grammy Camp...wonder what is in store for them today.  I will just say that I got some bins out of the garage that I had to do a lot of cleaning on before they came inside.  I hope that they will be surprised when they see all of this and ready to to give it a try!  We'll see how cooperative they are after their boring (according to Isaac) day today!  Grammy does not like the word "boring!"

Woody got up and walked early this morning.  While I was having Grammy Camp, Woody went to his nephrologist's appointment.  He only found that his kidney function was less than the last time and that he needed to drink more water.  He asked no questions about his diet and if it was helping.  They also didn't give him a copy of his labs.  He's going to stop by their office and get a copy of the labs.  I want to see them before we head off to Vanderbilt in a couple of weeks. After lunch, I headed off to get my hair cut. We have had rain and storms this afternoon.  It was still threatening when it was time for Woody to go to the prayer room at church so he drove to and from today. The rest of the afternoon and evening have been pretty low-key...per usual!

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