Saturday, July 20, 2019

Busy Saturday--Day 40

I have worked in the kitchen most of the day.  The first thing that I did this morning, was to make a pot of Boston Baked Beans from my mother's recipe. (They turned out good...I had them for supper. Woody, of course, can't eat them.)

While they cooked, I continued to put more things away in the cabinets.  I ran several loads in the dishwasher.  When I finish blogging, I have a load that I need to go down and take care of.

Woody headed off to the library this morning...part of his usual Saturday routine.

Mid morning, I stopped and made myself a treat,,,some of Woody's zucchini blueberry bread and a glass of iced tea.  I used our new dishes and used ice from the ice machine.  The ice was a first for me as we have never had an ice maker connected with our refrigerators.  I have enjoyed that feature several times today both in my iced tea and in ice water,

The big happening of the day was that this afternoon, Nathan and Graham got our old refrigerator out of our house and over to theirs!  They made it safely to their garage just prior to a hard rainstorm.  After that I had to use my little Green Machine to suck up some water from the carpet that came out of the refrigerator.  Carpet none the worse for wear and the refrigerator is out of the family room.  Graham also put the charcoal filter in our stove hood.

So far I am very pleased with the way the new kitchen functions...and, am so glad that I have a sink with running water and a hooked up running dishwasher. Woody was glad to be able to put the desk back in its place after the refrigerator was removed.  I had had a little table there that had been cooking on during the renovation so that came down today and the desk went back.  My next job is to put things back in the shadow box that came down in the family room...the shadow box is back on the wall, putting little things back in it can wait for another day!  I think that I have reached my capacity of "doing" for today.  I came up to blog and I just woke up a few minutes ago...I guess I wore myself out!

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