Monday, July 1, 2019

Setting Cabinets—Day 21

The workers arrived this morning about 7:15 and worked hard the whole day except for a break for lunch.  And, they are still not all in.  There are still three upper cabinets and the doors to put on some of them.  And, all the shelves have to be put in.  The big struggle was getting the box for the refrigerator in the house...but they managed by coming in the back door.  Our old refrigerator is now residing in the refrigerator box.  They did decide to "whittle out" a bit more space behind the refrigerator...they removed the Sheetrock behind the fridge and I think part of the studs back there to give it a bit more space to be pushed back...I'm glad that they decided to do that as the box was going to stick out to the door it is nicely back some from it.  I'm very happy with all the cabinets and drawers, etc.  Now I am going over in my mind just where things are going to will be different...has to be...configuration is way different.

Woody headed off a little while ago to stop at the library on his way to Monday night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting.  He is getting a lot of books read during the renovation.  Today he did come upstairs and play Scrabble on the computer for a while.

I'll close with a picture that shows the pantry and it's drawers and dividers.  The top part is adjustable shelving. It has been a long day of lots of hammering, sawing, drilling, etc.  Setting shelves is quite a job!  They still have a few doors to put on, crown, base, and shoe molding and other finishing touches once they get the last cabinets set.  Then I guess it is time for counter tops, sink, faucet, and appliances.  Oh, and, under counter lighting!    There will be a little paint touch up.  But I do believe that we are nearing completion.  We still have floors to be put in all three bathrooms and the sunporch/laundry area, and they have to finish the repairs to the outside corner of the house to fix the leak that messed up the dining room floor.  So still a ways out from the final finish...but that light at the end of the tunnel is shining a bit brighter!

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