Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday Doings

This morning I got up and got underway with making something to have for lunch in case Melany and Erin were here for lunch.  BUT I got a call from Melany saying that they weren't coming today.  She had forgotten that she had an online school meeting in the early afternoon so they are coming tomorrow.  I had the potato soup that I made for lunch...anyway!

Woody spent quite a bit of time outside this morning.  He enjoyed the much warmer temperatures.  He is attempting to rid one of our flower gardens of a miniature Japanese Maple tree that didn't make this year. I got it as a gift when I was teaching Montessori.  One of our students parents owned a nursery.  She told me at the time that it was a $100 dollar tree (we looked when we were at the nursery in Alabama and the ones we saw were over $150) and, it had lived for many many years. It hadn't shown any signs of distress, but this year it just never came back to life.   We're sorry to see it go, it was a nice addition to that garden.  Anyway...Woody got most of it sawed up except for the thickest part of the trunk trunk.

I didn't do a lot after I made the soup and found out that Melany wasn't going to come today.  I used the rest of the day recovering from my marathon day of sewing masks yesterday...I did get them all made a total of 16 yesterday...from choosing fabric to cutting them out and then sewing them up.  And, now you should see the fabric explosion all over the cutting table.  I couldn't face folding it all up and putting it away today!

Tonight's borrowed Coronavirus thought: "Of all the things that I learned in grade school, trying to avoid cooties was the last one I expected to use!"

Stay safe!
Stay well!
Be cautious as we head into the "new normal."

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