Saturday, February 13, 2021

A Finish and a New Start

Just a few moments ago, I put the last stitches in my Shepherdess goal for the day...finish her and start my next cross stitch piece. I have met the first part of the goal and it won't be hard to get at least a few stitches into my new project. The new project (bottom photo) is totally different from what I have been doing. It is a cross stitch interpretation of a Charley Harper print. I am pretty much a traditionalist in my likes, but for some reason I have always been attracted to Charley Harper's art work...often stylized birds...specifically cardinals and usually they are flying in the picture in an unusual angle. I was attracted to this graph when I first saw it in Just CrossStitch Magazine...many, many years ago (the March/April 1986 issue). When going through my cross stitch magazines a few months back, I was attracted to it again and put it aside. The cross stitch industry has changed a lot since I was so "into" cross stitch. One of the new things that I am curious about is the overdyed linen...we mainly stitched on white, cream, and what was called dirty and/or natural linen. Now they are taking these neutral linens and overdying them with various dyes and also natural dyes (like coffee and tea). The name of the piece that I am going to stitch is called "Space for all Species." Since it has an environmental message, I decided that one of the overdyed fabrics that were green and sort of camo looking might work for this piece. So I perused online cross stitch shops and found what I thought might work. My order arrived yesterday and I think that it is going to work very well. I plan to use this piece when stitched for a pillow top. I look forward to getting started on it. I forgot to mention in the blog an interesting call we received yesterday from our pharmacy. They were checking on their customers (I'm sure of a certain age) to see what their status is for the Covid vaccine. I told her that we had gotten our first and had an appointment for the next. I did inquire as to whether they were going to be getting some of the vaccines and she said yes and that they were checking to see how many of their customers needed one and wanted to get them at the pharmacy. That would have been my first choice, but the last I checked it was still an indetermined amount of time till they got them. I am glad to hear that the vaccines will be more easily accessed than having to go to the next town. Today I was busy upstairs and heard a knock of the first thought was which grandchild had info to share with us! But it was someone who wanted to know if we were interested in selling our Ford Taurus which is parked on the street. The reason it is parked on the street is that the last time we went to use it, it wouldn't start so it is sitting there awaiting warmer weather when it will be more conducive to putting in a new battery! Never know what one will be asked when going to the front door! It has been a quiet day here...mainly sitting around...Woody reading, watching sports, doing puzzles and having his dialysis treatment of the day. I have done a little...very little around the house...mostly stitching in order to complete my little sampler. And, once I publish this, I will probably go back to stitching and start my newest project. I have to decide if I am going to stitch it in hand or put it in a roller frame. The thread count on this linen is also very small. It looks smaller than what I was just stitching on, but I think that is because it is a tighter the moment the holes at the intersections of threads are hard to see. I'm hoping under my magnifyer and also once I have got some stitches in the holes will open up! I'm going to start on the lady bug. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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