Thursday, February 11, 2021

Thursday, I Think!

Several times today I thought that it was Thursday...not sure why...oh, well, it doesn't make a lot of difference mowt days what day it is, anyway. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen today. Put dishes away including some that go up high in a cabinet. I had been letting a few of those gather on the counter under that cabinet till I had enough energy to get the stool out to be able to reach...but today was the day. I also mopped the kitchen floor. I had "been meaning" to do that job for several days, too. Then I got things ready to make a skillet dinner recipe. In the end only I ate that as Woody decided that it was time for one of his protein shakes. Just before I got Woody's dialysis going this afternoon, Abigail texted me and asked if she could stop by as she had some news to share. She and Nathan stopped by just a little after his treatment was underway for today. She definitely had me curious as to what she would share. Woody guessed that she was coming to tell us that she had a date! He was wrong. She came to tell us that she will graduate from high school in August. She will have just two more classes to take when this semester is over and she has chosen to do the class work on them between now and August. She is very excited to get high school behind her. The other funny thing that she showed us...that one of their new goats had gotten a hold of a small section of her hair and had given her a bit of a hair not all her hair is the same length. Oh, the joys of farm life? Not the life for me...that I definitely know! This morning we go two recorded calls from Vanderbilt...about five minutes apart. The message was to call two different numbers to make appointments with two different doctors. I did call to make the appointment with Dr. Wyman. Woody wanted to see him first as he is his melanoma doctor and let him make decisions as what comes next. That appointment is in a couple of weeks. Woody did tell me today that his arm that had been hurting for sometime when he put pressure on it (like when he is using his walker, etc.) was no longer hurting. He feels that the benign cyst must have been what was hurting, since after the surgeon removed it, it had stopped hurting. I know that he is glad for that. The appointment scheduler asked if we preferred a morning appointment or an afternoon appointment. I, at first, said morning and then remembered that Dr. Wyman only sees patients after lunch. I said that to the scheduler and he checked and said I was right! Been there done all this many times! Then he asked me if we knew where the appointment was located and I told him that we did...unless the cancer center had changed location in the last year...he said they were still in the same place! When I told Woody that we only had an appointment with Dr. Wyman and no labs or scans, his comment was, "Good, at least we won't have to walk the long hall!" I have a feeling that he will have labs before we leave that day, but that is just across the hall from where we see the doctor. And, valet parking makes it very convenient to not have to walk too far before coming to the check-in area and then just a short walk across the hall to the BIG waiting room to see the doctor. I guess you can say that our Vanderbilt loop has begun...once again! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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