Friday, February 19, 2021

Progression of the Snow

The first picture shows the snow coming down to beat the band on Wednesday hour or so after I blogged.
The middle photo I took yesterday afternoon after the road started to melt a little where the cars had traveled over it.
And, the bottom photo was taken this afternoon. Definitely our roads are clearing up. But the snow still hasn't disappeared all that much. "They" said that it would get above freezing today, but I don't think that it ever did so some melting took place since the sun came out, but not enough for our front walkway or our steps, or our driveway ever cleared off. Thus I stayed inside once again...not worth risking a fall to go get the mail! That is three days this week that I didn't feel it was safe to walk down to the mail box. That doesn't happen very often! I continue to feel like I am in a bubble within a bubble...snowed-in bubble within the Covid safer at home bubble! I did write up a synopsis of this week's Sunday School lesson and send it out to our class members. Our teacher, Marie, was still without electricity and taking an unplanned vacation at a local hotel! Areas surrounding us that are very wooded had a lot of trees down which means downed power lines. I have spent a lot of time in my stitching chair (recliner) today. I now have a lady bug and a bunny stitched and have started on the fox. Woody has spent a lot of time in his dialysis/reading/TV/puzzle working chair (recliner) today. We started his dialysis early again today so he will probably be finished in a little over an hour. He will have a late start on Tuesday due to his appointment in Nashville. He will decide then if he wants to start having his dialysis over night or work his way back to just after lunch. We chose to do it early this week so he would have as many hours of dialysis in the daylight as possible just in case we had to do manual exchanges. I felt like they would go better if I could see what I was doing! Melany called this afternoon to tell us that she has an appointment to get her first Covid vaccine. Rutherford County is now accomodating teachers with appointments on Saturdays so they don't have to leave school to get them. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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