Tuesday, February 23, 2021

At a Crossroad...Perhaps Out of Vanderbilt Loop

Today has been a traveling day...most of our time away was spent on the road. The Vanderbilt visit was very short--just a little over an hour spent there including the visit with Dr. Wyman. Dr. Wyman feels that Woody should go through immunotherapy tretments again. With melanoma you sort of have to assume that it is in other places. The immunotherapy that Woody had before was Keytruda and that was the direction that Woody and the doctor were leaning at the end of the appointment, though there is another possible one that he could take. The next thing that wa addressed was whether he could receive these treatments here in Tullahoma as we know that Tennessee Oncology does give Keytruda. Woody would like to eliminate the traveling time from these treatments. Dr. Wyman was in agreement that he could have the treatments here in Tullahoma...BUT that it wouldn't be through Vanderbilt and that he would have to see if the oncologist tht he has seen before can take Woody on as a patient. So at the moment he is without a doctor...sort of! He will call TN Oncology tomorrow and see about becoming Dr. Eze's patient and having records transferred here. It is sort of strange not to be affiliated with Vanderbilt after so many years! Though, when Woody was being treated at The NIH he was dropped from Vanderbilt. After NIH he was reaffiliated with Vandy which can happen again if something else arises and we can move back to Dr. Wyman! Instead of fruit basket turnover we are in the midst of doctor turnover! Now about today's photos. We had quite an adventure with trains on our return trip home. Woody decided to take the back roads home and get away from all the semis on the interstate. We also needed to make a stop at Kroger in Murfreesboro to see if they had any pineapple juice, Woody's juice of choice in the mornings these days. Our Kroger had none yesterday. So we stopped...wow! what a difference in Krogers! It took me the longest time to find their juice...aisle 29! We don't have even half that many aisles in our Kroger! Anyway, finally found it and we were on our way. We traveled right along with me snapping photos of barns, etc. as we went along the country road. During this trip we have to cross the railroad track both in Bell Buckle and then in Wartrace. What are the odds of being stopped by trains at both of these crossings? Well, for us the odds were pretty good today. The crossing bars started coming down just as we got to the crossing...almost on the nose of our car! Well, train 3262 was really long and we got to sit there from the engine to the last car. Got across and heading once again toward home and got to the crossing that took us back across the railroad tracks. And lo and behold there was another train coming...this time toward Nashville. Woody just automatically turned off the car as this one wasn't going as fast as the last train so depending on its length it would take even longer! There are two tracks at this crossing and after a while we realized that a train was coming the other direction on the other tracks...it was train 3262...AGAIN! And, at this point it was going really slow and soon it came to a complete stop. The other train was still passing by and it continued for quite a while. Finally the end of the second train was in sight and cleared the crossing and then train 3262 could get underwy again. It still took a very long time for it to clear the crossing and we could get underwy again. I'm sure that we sat at both crossings combined for longer than 30 minutes. We have been caught by trains here before...one time when we were taking the scenic drive when we were taking my sister to the airport. That day we had to leave the line of cars and find another way back to the interstate so we could get to the airport on time. Most of the time when we go this way we don't get caught by trains but when we do..! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! We found out today that Dr. Wyman has had Covid. He said that many of his colleagues had gotten it. He said that one of the nurses in the infusion clinic had died from it...she was only 36. We told Dr. Wyman that Covid was the reason that we hadn't come to see him in a while and he said that he understood and thought it best that we hadn't! He has had both of his vaccines now.

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