Saturday, February 6, 2021


Tonight's photo intrigues me...not a barn...but cows taking shelter on a very cold day...using the truck for a wind break, I believe. Today has been a stay at home kind of day. Woody said that he didn't sleep very well since he couldn't get comfortable due to his arm hurting from the vaccine...he sleeps on his side...and his arm that he got his shot in is on that side...can't sleep on the other due to it having had the surgery and also all the hardware that is in his upper arm. So he really didn't have a side to sleep on...and, he has to sleep on his side as he has severe sleep apnea if he sleeps on his back! He couldn't win for losing last night! Hope that it hurts tonight and that he can get a better night's sleep. My arm doesn't bother me unless I reach up high for something...hurt when I put the shades up and down in the kitchen and when I reached up to a high shelf to get something. Oh, and, when I was putting something back into the refrigerator and managed to lean my arm into the open refrigerator door...when I did that I knew that I had had my vaccine yesterday! But other than sore arms, we have had no other reactions to the vaccine. I decided that it was time to cook today and I made White Pizza with Roasted Tomatoes and I added some of the roasted red pepper strips that I had in the refrigerator that I roasted in the oven when red peppers were at their peak harvest time. I made this to use up the Ricotta cheese that was left over from the lasagna that I made last week. This pizza had an onion/herb crust. I really liked it. Woody said that it was just so-so. He isn't the adventurous eater that he once was...not as much fun to try new recipes as it used to be. The rest of the day seems to have been taken up with cleaning up the mess in the kitchen...loading the dishwasher, doing the dishes that xouldn't go in the dishwasher and then unloading the dishwasher. I did intersperse that task with getting to talk with friends on the phone...catching up is always fun! I have worked a little more on my sampler. I plan to do some more after I publish this. Woody has spent the afternoon and evening in his recliner for his dialysis...resting his eyes, reading, working on word puzzles or perhaps a number puzzle and has watched TV which included a basketball game. Today's treatment should be over in another hour-and-a-half or so. Then I will get him disconnected and finish the night time routine after the dialysis...changing his dressing on his site, etc. and he will be ready to go to bed. And, as I said earlier, I hope that he will sleep better tonight! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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