Monday, October 18, 2021

Hangin’ In There

Just like some of our flowers, Woody and I continue to hang in there! Today was an interesting experience at the thyroid doctor's office. She did the biopsies right then and there! So that is out of the way at least till we hear results. She numbed his neck and then took 5 biopsies! I tried not to look! We left a little before 2 and were home by 5:30. He rested for 30 minutes and then headed back out the door to go to Monday Night Furnace Room Prayer Meeting. He did say that his neck was hurting a little once the numbing wore off. He got home a little while ago...has had his shake and I guess we now need to wait for a bit to connect him...let his shake digest a bit before we fill up his abdomen with fluid that will press in on his stomach! The only problem with waiting is that we need to leave by at least 7:30 in the morning to get to my appointment for my 6 month check-in. To have him disconnected and have him eat his breakfast may be pushing it a little. I am sort of glad that I have this check-in as I think that I may have the start of a sinus infection. Hopefully she can help nip it in the bud! I know that Woody is tired after his latest "ordeal!" And, I'm tired too. I stayed up late last night trying to capture surgeries that Woody has had along with dates and where he had them. I'm tired of having to try to remember each time we go to a new they are now in document form so I can attach them to forms we have to fill out. Oh, one interesting thing...for the moment Woody no longer needs his blood pressure meds (3 kinds). It may be due to dialysis working better...that was the guess of his Fresenius nurse. We will discuss it with Dr. O on Thursday...Woody's next appointment. Tomorrow's appointment is mine and then Wednesday is delivery day for Fresenius supplies...pretty full week. Hope we can rest well tonight. Dialysis has been going better the last couple of nights and he hasn't been sick since the one bad night...hope that continues too! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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