Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Over the River and Through the Woods to Vandy and Home Again!

Another long Vanderbilt day...back into the Vandy loop! We left the house at 9am and didn't get home until 4:30...of course, three hours of that were spent on the road. We did stop on the way home for a quick late lunch..."lupper." We stopped at Arby's to get what sounds best to Woody these days...their regular roast beef sandwiches. A good part of the time spent at Vandy was spent in waiting rooms...first waiting for him to get labwork done and then in the waiting room after we saw his nurse practioner to wait for the drug to come from the pharmacy and to get thawed. There was some time spent by the nurse and another nurse who specializes in surgery wounds discussing how to dress his melanoma tumor. A decision was made and I was sent home with special vaseline bandages to add around the place that continues to bleed (after he fell on it three weeks ago.). His nurse who administers the T-Vec felt that the main part of the tumor she injected last time had grown smaller...so that is good. The part that won't stop bleeding didn't deter him from getting the injection today. He took Tylenol right after the injection and was told to take it again four hours later, which he did. We're trying to keep him from some of the side effects that he got the last time that kept him feeing pretty rough for a couple of days. He slept for a while after getting home...which was good since he didn't get a very good night's sleep last night...again. We will address several issues with the kidney care nurses in the morning...as long as he can go to his appointment. I have decided that I will go even if he can't as we need to come up with a plan on how to handle the extra solution that they are putting in him. The barn in the picture is one that I have been trying to capture each time as we pass by. It is in sight one minute and then the next you can no longer see it due to the trees that surround it. This is as good as you can see it currently...perhaps as the leaves fall I will be able to get a better one. We will be going down this road a lot since he now the schedule for his T-Vec injection is every two weeks. We have the next two appointments made. Every two weeks...we will just turn around and have to be heading Vanderbilt way once again. We have been in this Vandy loop before...at times went multi times in one week...hope we can stick to every two weeks when I think back to the "old" Vandy loop! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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