Saturday, October 16, 2021


This is one of the photos that I took in our front yard yesterday to show signs of Fall. The acorn was laying next to the red oak leaf so I gave it a little toss to have it "more in" the picture. After picking it up, I realized that it was an overcup acorn (note that the cap/cup almost totally covers the acorn. I checked and found out that the leaves are yellow on an overcup oak wrong acorn with the red oak leaf. The red leaf probably came from a red think?!? There is a way to check shape and size to find out exactly what kind of oak tree it came off of, but I didn't take the time to do that. I know that we have several varieties of in our front and back yards...Spanish oak, red oak, willow oak, now that I am seeing the opercup acorns we probably had an overcup oak. Woody has had a pretty good day during the daylight hours. Now during the night hours...not the best...he got sick quite a few times...I can vouch for that by the number of loads of laundry I did! I think that I have one more to dry or either take out of the dryer...sort of lost track of where I am with this last load! Several of those loads only had a couple of towels...I almost got to the point of waiting to do the it seemed as soon as one load finished, I had another load I needed to run. I'm hoping for a better night tonight. I am beginning to think that they are going to have to lessen the dialysis solution volume. But that will have to be dealt with on Monday...we will have to get through two more nights. I haven't felt the greatest today...don't know if it was just due to lack of sleep or the front that came through in the night or what. I rested a lot this afternoon and am feeling some better tonight. Woody and I both finished the book that we were reading...the same book...Woody a hard copy and me an e-copy. We both enjoyed it. Thanks, Cheryl, for mentioning what you were reading on your little get-away camping "vacation." I put "vacation" as both Cheryl and I aren't much on camping. This was in a camper...but still not my choice for a vacation...not really hers! Woody finished the book in one day. I took a few longer and I think that my sister took even a few more than I. Cheryl used to read a lot, but these days finds that once she picks up a book she falls asleep. That should be me since I am older than she by seven years! I have Woody's dialysis treatment all set up and waiting for the solution to warm so will connect him in a little while. I have the kitchen as clean as it is going to get tonight. Now trying to decide if I am going to put the rub on the pork roast and leave it in the fridge over night so it will be ready to put it in the oven in tbe morning so it can cook most of the day. I noticed that the recipe suggested this to let the flavors penetrate more, but in the past I don't think that I have done this step. Sort of feeling like skipping that step this time, too. I pretty much just want to retire to my recliner once I get Woody's dialysis going. Retire to my chair and hope and pray that Woody has a better night! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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