Thursday, October 27, 2022

A Dialysis and Visiting Kind of Day!

A good dialysis day in the morning and then some good visiting in the afternoon and evening. The only problem with dialysis today was drawing up the iron into the syringe. It is just about impossible to do and messy to boot!! I made the biggest mess that I have made to date. It's a teeny tiny vial and it is impossible to follow the instructions of pulling in 5ml of air into the syringe and then pushing that air into the vial and then withdrawing 5mls of iron infusion liquid. That teeny tiny bottle won't hold that much added air. Anyway, I have yet to conquer this nursing task! Maybe his anemia will get better and I won't have to do it so often! If wishes were horses...then beggars would my mother used to say! But this three times a week, at least 48 hours apart, is not getting any easier! This afternoon began the fun part of my day. I had a visitor. Linda H. was in town for an eye appointment so we had made prior arrangements for her to come here till her eyes were less dilated. Well, they didn't dilate her eyes, but she came anyway! We had a nice visit...chased many rabbits as we ususally do when we talk and/or text! Then I got to do more visiting this evening over the phone with my moved-away-from-Tullahoma-now-Alabama friend, Connie. we talked stitching and sewing...and window washing (she not me!) and, also chased a lot of rabbits. Woody has made his move from recliner to couch so I guess he is planning on settling in for the night. I just have to check to see if I have a mug and/or glass upstairs to add to the dishwasher and then get it started washing. I did do some cooking during dialysis today. I made ham-stuffed potatoes and also a baked hominy casserole. Once I check to see if Woody needs anything else and start the dishwasher, I plan to come upstairs and do some stitching and maybe a little reading and then call it a day. It has been a really pretty day today...sun was out, leaves have been falling, but there are still enough left to send shimmering glimmers of color as we look all around us. I will say that I think we are getting closer to switching the way we connect Woody to the dialysis machine. I have received texts from the nurses about whether we have needles and about other supplies...guess they are getting us ready. We got a call today about our Christmas present from Melany and Wade last year...a garage door...we keep getting told that this or that is being shipped and it should be soon...yeah, right!?! Melany was told earlier this week that the garage door had been shipped and was where it's supposed to be, but they were waiting on some parts. Today I got a call saying that they were waiting on the to me the panels make up most of the door! When they said they were waiting on parts I thought of hardware, etc, Oh, well, it will get here when it gets here. This time they said that this could delay the installation till December! I told her that we had waited all these months...guess another month...or two...or...wouldn't be a lot different, She said that since we had already waited so long that she was encouraging them to expedite this and get to us if you go by someone's house with no panels on their garage door, you just might have found our house or someone else who is going through the same thing! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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