Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Loooooong Dialysis Day!

Well, the dialysis day probably wasn't any longer than it usually is...but adding in a doctor visit in the morning and not bring able to start the treatment till after a late lunch for Woody (and, even later for me), it just seems like it has taken up the whole day. I literally just got the last task finished a little before 7pm. Today had lots of tasks to do prior and during and after. I don't know how the nurses arranged the appointments with Dr. O, but whatever they did worked! We got there a little before our appoitment time and I don't think it was much more than five minutes till they called us in. And, seeing everyone we see during this monthly appointment went very smoothly too. We were back in our car just 30 minites after our appointment time...a record for PD appointments and HD appointments. They needed to do an extra blood draw and the nurse drew it from his graft...the first time it was used. It worked to get blood from at least! Everyone we saw pretty much said the same thing..."Keep on doing what we are doing." They are VERY pleased with how well his blood is being cleaned. On whatever scale they have, they want his blood cleansing to between the 2 and the 3 and Woody's is at the 3. The nurses still didn't tell us when we will be trained to use the graft...but indicated it wouldn't be long. The nurse is planning to order the numbing cream for us so we will have it when the time comes. Today's stick was with a small needle, but the one used for dialysis is NOT small! So I guess the time is coming ehen I will have to learn how to do the needle sticks. It will eliminate a lot of steps that we go through with the access that we are using now. I think that it will take a lot less syringes, too. We'll see when the time comes. Before we went to the kidney clinic, we made a stop at the Credit Union and after the appointment, we made a stop to get gas. Once home, I made Woody's lunch and then I got underway with the dialysis set up. The dialysis got underway A little after 2pm and was finished a little before 5:30pm...I don't understand dialysis time...It always says that the treatment took a little over 3 hours, but by our clock, it is usually closer to 3 hours and 20 minutes. I think it has to do with pressure checks during the treatment when the machine slows down. I guess the machine doesn't count the slow downs...but we do! During treatment today, I had to give him his iron infusion during treatment. Then after he weighed, when he is still in his wheelchair, so I could get to the back of his arm, I gave him his anemia shot. He gave me a high passing grade for administration of today's shot. I have tear down after all is over, the filling out and submitting of the flowsheets, and, today I had to make a dialysage batch. All is done...and so is our day! I have eaten my supper while I have typed this. I have to go fix the quilt on Woody"s couch as it has fallen off the back of the couch. Then I will finish putting supper dishes in the dishwasher and close down the kitchen for the day. I have to be up and out of the house in the morning before 8 as I have a doctor appointment tomorrow in McMinnville. So once again, we won't get started till after lunch. Saturday we can go back to doing dialysis in the morning. I like starting early and getting it over with! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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