Wednesday, October 12, 2022

How Can It Be?!? Joy's 17!!!

Joy and part of the crew from her house stopped by so we could see the birthday girl and give her her gift. When I was trying to get a birthday photo of her, we had several photo bombers so they came up with the idea for tonight's picture. Rabbit ears could add up to 17! And, if you look closely even in amongst the shadows, you will find enough rabbit ear pairs plus one lone one to make 17. Happy birthday to our sweet Joy! So that visit brought 5 grandchildren and 1 child into the house. Later in the day Abigail stopped by and we decided to go on and give her birthday present to her while she was here. I just realized I should have taken her picture! Her birthday is five days away. She will be 19...again, how can that be!?! So of the Dorrell grandchildren Graham is the only one we didn't see today. We were contacted early this morning to see if we would be okay changing the time of our kidney nurse appointment to mid morning instead of right after lunch...not a problem! The appointment at the kidney center with the nurse went well. She went over a couple of procedures that we do during set up...checking up on us (really me!). Woody signed a lot of papers. And, we were on our way home. And, nothing was said about learning how to do his dialysis using his graft. I guess we have a little while longer doing it the way we have been. After lunch, I got the dialysate bactch set up to make...and, put dialysis behind us. We did get some rain over night and then have had more this evening along with some lightning and thunder. There's supposed to be another line of storms come through later. It has been good to hear rhe rain in the roof! A sound we hadn't heard for a while. I have been doing some picking up and putting away around here...trying to once again find my way to the top of the sewing table. I still really want to sew, but just haven't found the time or if I find the time, I have run out of energy! One of these daysI will return to my sewing room! After I got things cleared away, I sat down and did some stitching for a while.Be safe! Be well! Be cautious

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