Saturday, October 29, 2022

Saturday's Path

There's really not a reason for tonight's blog title...except that it seemed to go with tonight's photo! Sometimes the day just doesn't bring a title to mind...other than the name of the day! Everything went well for today's dialysis. It was another day to give iron during the treatment. Once again, the hardest part was drawing up the iron into the syringe. I fought with it for about an hour and then just said that was enough and that he would get whatever was in the syringe at that point and hopefully there wouldn't be too much air in with it! He guess it was okay. I had very close to the 5ml by that time. I am so ready to be finished with giving it three times a week. I wish that we could get on top of his iron deficiency...but guess that is one of the side effects of being on least for some patients. I think we still have five three next week and two the next...and, then they will probably order more! (insert eye roll!) Next week and the next I will have a nurse here showing us the ropes of using Woody's graft. So she will probably get to do at least one of the iron infusions since I won't know how to do that. Just think...a lot of the procedures that I have learned how to do over the last three months will be done differently and I will have to learn something new...don't they know that they are dealing with an old brain!?! I am due to do labs on the day I will rely on our nurse! I will probably watch...the only problem with that is the first day of doing the graft so I will be watching so many new things on day one...will I remember next month how the labs were done!? Oh, well...I'm guessing that the iron will be done the same way as that access is through the tubing that is used both with the access and the graft. But the labs were done through his those will be done differently. I'll just go along for the "ride!" Nothing else that I can do! I left Woody downstairs watching the World Series. He's back to doing his crossword puzzles. The last two mornings he had to skip doing them as the printer was out of ink. But FedEx came through with both medical supplies and printer ink yesterday. I got the ink changed and got his puzzles printed yesterday before I left for the grocery store. And, printing them was back in my morning schedule today. I'm ready to work on some cross stitching, between a little cooking and some washing, drying, and folding a load of clothes and medical things, I haven't had any time today to stitch. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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