Saturday, November 5, 2022

Fall Back Tonight

Fall back live in Arizona or Hawaii! Overnight I will move an hour closer to my sister, Cheryl. That is one reason that I like this time on the other hand, I'm not fond of it getting dark so early! Oh, well...can't have everything! I have already confused myself by moving the clocks back that don't automatically update on their own. So now some clocks are still on today's time and some are on what time it will be tomorrow. We have had a day off today...sort of nice. My main problem is that I can't get the dialysis off my mind...mainly the sticking part! Woody has mainly watched sports today on TV. At the moment he is watching the World Series. I have done a little of this and a little of that and some napping...some how I lost most of the afternoon! I have Woody's breakfast cooking as I type...I make up a big batch of patties and then freeze them and have them for his breakfasts over the next month. We have had some rain today. I just got a drop down message to expect more rain tomorrow. I have a load of my clothes in the washer and another in the drier. I will tend to those after the sausage is finished and the blog is posted. I have a special treat tomorrow evening. I watch videos in a section of YouTube called "Flosstube." These are videos that cross stitchers post about their stitching...probably not of interest to most of you, but if you are a stitcher they are something good to watch while stitching! At times these flosstubers have drawings. A while back one flossuber was celebrating having 10,000 viewers for her channel and had a lot of giveaways. The last one that she offered that night was a special Zoom Meeting for six or so of her viewers. And, I got chosen as one to get to do that. And, she has set up the Zoom Meeting for tomorrow night. We are supposed to share some of the pieces that we are working on to share with the group. I have been deciding what to share. In the flosstube lingo each of these pieces that we are working on is called a WIP, which stands for "Works In Progress." Some people have many, many, many WIPs, while others not so many. I fall into the latter category...but do have several unfinished pieces. Sometimes those unfinished pieces are called UFOs, which stands for "Unfinished Objects." Anyway, I look forward to meeting some new fellow stitchers via a Zoom Meeting. Next weekend, I have a zoom college reunion. Lots of zooming these days! Zoom! Zoom! I'd better get back to my sausage and then on to putting dry clothes away and putting wet ones into the drier. Cheryl and I learned today that the last of our mother's generation of first cousins has passed that leaves Cheryl's and my generation as the oldest of that side of the family. Of that group of cousins our mother was the oldest and the cousin who just died was the youngest. At the Brigham family reunion back in 1988 in Massachusetts, we often heard Mother say, "I'm the oldest! And, Joan would then say, "I'm the youngest!" Now there is no oldest or youngest in that generation. And, I don't know who is the oldest and youngest in our generation. I just know that I only lack 2 years of how old Mother was at the 1988 reunion! That's an eye opener! On that note...Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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