Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tuesday…Almost Behind Us!

In some aspects it has been a good Tuesday...smooth going for the dialysis treatment always makes for a good day...and, we had that today! But Woody hasn't felt the greatest. He had a first today...throwing up during dialysis...probably not recommended! We were about five minutes from the finish when he asked for a towel...and, I pretty much know that is a signal that he is about to lose whatever meal was last! We both survived that and were able to do the rinse back and disconnecting per usual. He felt better at that point and thought that he was ready for lunch, but his stomach thought otherwise. He has had a light supper and so far he is okay! We're trying to figure out what is going on...a bug?, or just what? We are both wondering if it is the fact that he has been eating bigger meals...including more desserts after he eats amount that he usually does...and his stomach has shrunk enough that it isn't liking the extra amount. He hasn't felt bad after any of the times that he has been sick. For the moment he is just going to cut back on amounts and see if he can get back to the way he had been pretty much since starting hemodialysis...no thowing up! We have had a stormy afternoon and evening...rain and lightning and thunder. A couple of claps of thunder seemed right overhead and rattled the house a bit. Between one and two I declared that our day off had officially started...want to tack as many extra hours onto tomorrow's 24 hours as possible! Today, during dialysis, we took care of some Christmas decisions and did the shopping...so we are a little closer than we were to being ready for Christmas. I decided to come upstairs to do a little stitching this afternoon, but that stitching time turned into naptime! I'm hoping that naptime will allow me to stay awake a little longer tonight and get some of that planned stitching time in! I haven't been able to work on any of my sewing projects because of the storms...I don't plug my machine in during a storm...since it is a computerized sewing machine. I really need to take advantage of my day off tomorrow and get things done...esoecially since it is the last day of November! Once that calendar page is turned up on Thursday, I know that the days will just fly! I'm so glad that I am finished with my decorating! I did enjoy sitting quietly in the living room looking at the tree. After Woody finished with dialysis today I wheeled him through the downstairs into the living room so he could see the tree and other decorations. 'Tis the season! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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