Friday, April 21, 2023

Glad I Checked!

Last night after I blogged, something told me to check my doctor's app about my appointment. I realized that I hadn't gotten a reminder either over the phone or in an email which I realized was unusual...usually get more than one reminder! Well, I looked and the appointment had been moved till next Friday. I am so glad that I didn't drive all the way there to find out that it had been changed! I had seen our doctor's number on caller ID a couple of weeks ago, bit no message had been left. At that time I did check the app and the appointment still said it was today's date. At that time, I figured that they would call me back if they needed to and forgot about it. Glad that there was that questioning in the back of my mind that alerted me to check the appointment on the app! So we had a totally stay-at-home day today. I worked on the Sunday School lesson and did various things around the of which was catch up on the washing. The last load for the day is in thr are put away. we must be a magnet for emergency vehicles. Today when I went out to put clothes in the dryer, I looked out the sunporch windows to see police cars and an ambulance arriving...later fire trucks arrived shortly and the traffic was detoured to our street. It was a one-car accident. The car had somehow come off the road and landed at an awkward angle on the is probably public access being that close to the road...but it was directly behind our house and close to our back 40 (our lot behind our house) if not on it. It took quite a while for them to get the driver out...I'm not sure if there were injuries or not. So two times in one week that I was close to an emergency! I guess as long as it is just close..? Woody has worked puzzles, done things on his laptop, watched TV, etc. It has been a pretty typical day. Now to geer ourselves up for an early morning...ready to leave the house by 6am...oh, boy! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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