Monday, April 10, 2023


Another day almost down in the books...Oncology/Keytruda is behind Woody for another theee weeks. We have been to prayer meeting and are back home. Woody has settled into bed already...guess his day is just about done! I still have a little to do in the kitchen before I head upstairs to my recliner. I spent time trying to wrangle with a medical bill this morning that keeps being sent to us and we were sure that we didn't owe anything on it. I found a phone number to call...but better yet...I found an email so used that and sent an inquiry and requests for more information. I sent that before I took Woody to TN Oncology. After dropping him off, I made a quick trip to the grocery store. When I checked email after getting groceries put away, I had an answer...and we don't owe what they said...they had gotten payment from secondary insurance just afte they billed us...of course this was the 4th time they billed us...I wonder if I had given in and paid them how long or if we would have ever seen that money again. Oh, well, it is taken care of and those bills can leave the stack of hospital and rehab EOBs! We had another that kept billing us...but each time the amount went down until we owed nothing. The only one left on the table is one for $17...I don't think we owe for that one either. We'll see over time! Tomorrow is dialysis...wonder if they will call and ask us to come in earlier than our assigned time...they often do on Tuesdays. I think I will either read or stitch when I get upstairs...maybe a little of both. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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