Friday, July 7, 2023

Elijah's 14!

There is a lot of significance to this can it be that Elijah is 14!?!?! But #2 is that Goosey (Woody) was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma about a year before Elijah was born. At that time, Woody was given less than a year to we didn't know if he would be still alive at Elijah's birth. He was! And, still is 14 years later! A lot those doctors knew! Nathan, Kathy, Joy, Elijah, Isaac, amd Joseph just stopped by so we could see our now 14-year-old grandson! They were coming home from his birthday supper of choice: Zaxby's. They had just dropped Esther off at a friends for a sleepover. Esther amd Elijah just got home from a church youth camp. Sounds like they had fun. Graham and Abigail were otherwise occupied...Graham at work at the local bowling alley, where he troubleshoots from the back of alleys. I imagine that Abigail was with her boyfriend, Payton. We had a little slower paced least didn't have to get out extremely early. Woody did have his every three week appointment at TN Oncology this morning. He did address his pain with his oncologist. His oncologist said that he would phone/fax a pain medication to our pharmacy. Woody was hoping for a little more relief than Tylenol is giving him. But that hope was dashed when by the end of the day the pharmacy had not received the prescription. I put in three separate calls to the pharmacy and one to the doctor's office. None of those calls helped and he now will just go on as he has been for the reat of the weekend. Well, I will make one more call to the pharmacy in the morning to see if by chance the fax got sent after the pharmacy closed. His back is hurting him a lot, but he is getting stronger. He had a lot less trouble transfering from wheelchair to whatever amd vice-versa and he was able to use the walker to walk into the bathroom today...definitely an improvement! I ran a couple of errands after I dropped Woody off and then came home and did a little of this and a little of that. I did transfer one of the plants Linda brought me yesterday and started digging a hole for another. Note I just started digging the hole! I made Woody's breakfast sausage for the next month. They are in the freezer on a sheet pan till they are frozen. After they are frozen I will transfer them to a freezer bag. So a month's worth of about done. I think we are about to settle in for the night. After I publish this, I'll go dress his leg wound and try to get him as comfortable as possible for the night. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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