Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Famous Last Words!

Woody said yesterday that he was going to stay in his recliner and not lie down on his couch/bed until at least after he got home from dialysis tomorrow. Really he said even longer than that...I went upstairs to rest and when I came downstairs, he was reclined on his couch instead of recliner...insert eye roll! I really can't blame him as sitting in one chair and pretty much only changing position slightly depending on how much he is not very easy. I can get uo and move around and he is very limited in his moving around! He mainly moves from recliner to couch and back or from recliner or couch to the bathroom and back. Any greater distance is done in the wheelchair. I told him that since he was going to want to be on the couch...and was at that moment...that we were just going to have to be able to get him back up...just the two of us. Yesterday, when Nathan was here, Woody analyzed the situation and decided the best way for him to get up...and it worked. And, it worked again this evening for us...I'm just not as strong as Nathan, but as long as we were successful, we'll go with it! Yesterday, I made a new sourdough recipe for a loaf of major cooking for the day. But I found out last evening that all that sounded good to Woody was potato salad...well, that hadn't gotten made yestersay. So I put it at the top if my to-do list for today. He had some for supper tonight and gave it his seal of approval. My big job of the day was library work. I made two book orders for the church library and assigned 8 memorials. I am lagging in my library duties! One step is some letter writing (another day) and then when the books come, Donna and I will have the job if processing the books to be ready for the's been a while wonder if we remember how...hope library computer and printer coooerate when when the time comes! Woody is back in his recliner. I'm hoping that he can get comfortable and remain there till morning so it will be an easier transition to dialhsis in the earlh morning. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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