Saturday, July 15, 2023

What a Day!

I'll start with the story behind tonight's picture. That's Graham and Abigail, Nathan and Kathy's two oldest. They have had a trip planned for some time to Texas. Sell, today is the day. On their way to the airport in Nashville, they found out that their flight was cancelled. Once they got to the airport, they were able to get on a plane that was to leave around 8pm. This a selfie they sent to their mom showing that they had at last gotten onto the plane! They did try to fly standby, but that didn't work for them for an earlier flight. Cheryl and Rachel made it to the airport in Phoenix. Both Cheryl's bag amd purse were searched...she must have looked like a suspicious character! Rachel went through security unscathed! Once they were at their gate, they found out that their flight was delayed. I have no selfie of them, but I did get a text saying that they were seated...flight probably left about an hour late...hope that tailwinds help them make up some time! One of their concerns...they were due in around 10pm our time...they have a rental car to pick up...rental car places close at midnight! I guess it is good that they didn't check any bags...they can get off plane amd hed steaight to car rental. I figure that both sets of traveling family are now safely in the set heading west and the other set heading east...hopefully never the twain shall meet!!! I just put away vacuum amd cleaning supplies...whether clean or not...I am finished! I do still have some things to do in the kitchen amd when finished with those tasks, I will end by mopping the mop is still out! Woody had a good dialysis day. He has done a lot of resting this afternoon...not sure if he has napped much, but his eyes have been closed and he has been quiet. Needless to say I have kept busy most of the day. I have take several breaks diring the day to rest and revive so I can do some more. Erin is doing better...the IV antibiotics arr hopefully working their magic. The doctor wants to keep her over the weekend and the see how she is on Monday as to when she will come home. We'll miss her tomorrow, but the rest of her family still plan to come for a visit and are bringing lunch. Melany is spending the night here so she can take her daddy for his endoscopy on Monday. When it rains, it pours. Their heads must be spinning! Well, need to get back to the kitchen. To be continued. Hopefully there will be two extras here tomorrow night at this time. I'll report back! Br safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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