Monday, July 10, 2023

Finally…Or How Many Calls Does It Take?!?

I began calling TN Oncology this morning at 8:30. I was told that she would get a message to someone who could help me...she didn't understand why my call hadn't been dealt with or returned on Friday. She said that someone would call me back...BUT if no one called in a couple of hours to call two hours later I called again...pretty much the same answer/message as the first call. I told her that I would call back in 1-1/2 hours if I hadn't 1-1/2 hours later I called again...this person said that they don't call back to say that prescription had been dealt with. I told her that I had been told twice that morning that they would and that I wasn't going to call our pharmacy as I had disturbed them enough with three calls Friday and one on Saturday. She said that she would call me back. As I hung up, I decided that I would call back in an hour the next time. I was about to call them at the hour mark, when the phone was the was the young lady who I had talked to several times...both on Friday and Saturday. On Saturday, she said that Woody must be hurting very badly...she remembered and after she bagged Woody's prescription she called. I so appreciate our locally owned pharmacy...which has been in business for 60 years this year and we have been with them for 54 of them! The doctor office never did call back. Timing worked out very well, as when I got home it was time for Woody's next dose of Tylenol and I exchanged Tylenol for the new pain last! He thinks that it has taken the edge off his pain. He's hoping to find a comfortable position to sleep in and hoping for a good night's sleep. I'm hoping he gets some good sleep, too! I continue to get ready for our company. I "almost" have our 2nd guest room ready. I need to finish vacuuming in there and make the bed and it will be ready. It is good to have places for them to rest their heads as they will be getting in quite late Saturday night or even in the wee hours of Sunday. Woody chose not to go to prayer meeting tonight. I returned a little while Woody something to eat and then cqme up to blog. I still need to change the dressing on his leg and then clean up the accumulation of today's dishes because I still haven't removed yeaterday's clean dishes from the dishwasher...other things got in the way. I did get library memorial letters written and mailed today...a good task completed. Our first book order arrived today...processing will wait till after Cheryl and Rachel's visit. Busy! Busy! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Oh, the answer to tonight's title question...5 to the doctor's office and 4 to the pharmacy. I was exhausted by the time the problem was finally resolved. I think the problem was that the doctor was not in the office when I made my calls... finally the nurse practioner faxed in the prescription.

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