Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A Down Day = A Good Day

A down day for us means one that we don't HAVE to go anywhere...and stay at home we did today. Woody did his puzzles and has watched some TV. He kept his brace off most of the day and just lounged on the couch. I did a little of this and a little of that including some napping...several times...not always meaning to. My main activity of the day was to make flour tortillas for Woody's soft tacos. I'm getting more used to making them, but it is still takes me a while and I end up making quite a mess. The kitchen is almost cleaned up. I came up to blog and check to see if there are any dishes up here that need to go in the dishwasher and also to get my insulated mug to get fresh ice water for the night. When I went out to get the mail and take the garbage can back to the house, I saw the front door mat which I had planned to wash off and get it ready to put away so I can get out the fall doormat. I washed it off and hung it on the railing of the ramp to dry. I also washed off the front porch floor...sort of...mainly the front of it...I didn't have the oomph to move the chairs and little tables out to wash under them. But the place where the fall mat goes is nice and clean. I left it to dry over night and I will put out fall mat tomorrow. Sinc I had the hose turned on, I decided to water the gardens. By that time it was time for supper. Woody made use of the new tortillas to make himself a couple of soft tacos for supper. I cut up all the ingredients to put on his tacos. That meal takes a lot of little dishes! The dishwasher is really full tonight. Before I came up, I got Woody settled for the night. I will go back down and finish in the kitchen and then come upstairs and hopefully stitch for a while...I should be good to go for a while considering the several naps that I took today! Tomorrow is another day to get up with the birds...and, another day will be underway. Do you feel that days are just flying by, the way I do?!? It seems like I turn around and another day/month is behind me! I feel like I am just sitting here watching time fly by! We'll see what tomorrow brings...since I plan to get the fall door mat out...perhaps that means I will get out more fall decorations...I keep telling myself that I will do just that and the days seem to just rush by without me doing it...maybe tomorrow?!? To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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