Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday Doings

Today has been a better day for Woody...so far...all meals have stayed down!!! i have been in communication with Woody's infectious disease doctor. I wanted her input on what to do if Woody continued to be sick when he took the antibiotic that she had prescribed along with zofran, that he should stop taking it and go back to taking his maintenance antibiotic. Since he has been okay today we will continue taking it unless he reverts to another day of being sick...even one time. We were up dark and early and headed off to dialysis a little after 6am. Woody said that today at dialysis went okay except that they had trouble with his blood pressure reads...it was decided that it may have been caused by him wearing a sweatshirt...it was cool enough for him to want one when we headed off...me too! It was in the lower 50s. I figured that he would be glad to have a sweatshirt on during dialysis as he gets so cold. The last two days he has mentioned that he was exxtra cold during his treatments. I had a couple of things that I needed to tend to after I got home...one was to do some preliminary library work before going to work in the library this afternoon. I got that done and then I needed to make another pot of soup for Woody...that was all done before I needed to leave to pick him up from dialysis. I came home, fed him, ate lunch myself, and then headed off to the library with a box of new books for Donna and me to process. We got the initial tasks done. So we have work to do on them next week. Donna and I enjoyed chatting and catching up with each other while we worked. I was ready for a short rest after I got home, before tackling supper. Supper is now behind us...I just have clean up to do...what else is new! Today was a day for doctor's offices to get call us. We heard from Dr. Allos, the infectious disease doctor, as I mentioned above. But TN Oncology also called. They were concerned that Woody's Potassium level had risen. We already knew that by the lab results that he brought home from Fresenius Kidney Center today. But his dialysis nurse hadn't seemed concerned as she said that things looked good. The reading from their tests were just a little above the range they like them to be in. We are going to be a little more careful with foods with tomatoes and potatoes...we'll see if that lowers his reading next time. TN Oncology had sent a report to his personal care physician and to his kidney doctor...wonder if we will have any more calls from doctors in the next day or so! We will just keep on keeping on! Well, the kitchen is calling and I need to see if Woody needs anything else. I'm planning on stitching this evening after I come back upstairs. I haven't had a lot of time to stitch today. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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