Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Day After Surgery 👍

I took tonight's pictures when I was at Nathan and Kathy's farm. Note the "Follow the Leader" line...well, all but Joseph...but there has to be one in the crowd. Kathy, Isaac and Joseph went out to the barn to bring back four little kittens to show me...and lots of their animals fell into line following them...suppose they were hoping for food or something?! The one thing that I learned when I was there is that Peaches is missing and has been for several days. Peaches is one of the cats that we gave Esther quite a few years ago now. Maybe she will return or be returned like her sister was several years back. Georgia, Peaches' sister, was found in Murfreesboro (45 miles away) all because someone took her to a vet and she was chipped so she found her way back to them. I got to see Georgia and speak to her on my way into their house on Sunday. Here's a photo of her sitting in the window (those are the girls' gifts in the foreground). I think she wanted to join the party!
Update on Woody: All is well so far. He saw his eye doctor/surgeon this morning. He could see better out of his left eye today than he could Friday...he could actually see the big "E" this time and two of the letters of the three below the "E". So improvement! The doctor said that as swellng goes down, he will start seeing better...but today's slight improvement is a step in the right direction! His eye pressure is very good and there was no sign of infection. The instructions were to continue to putting in the increase the steroid drops to six times a day to help decrease swelling. We have followed that regimen more set of drops tonight at bedtime. He isn't having any pain. He says that it just feels like there is something in his eye. He continues to wear the eye patch though he doesn't need to except at night. He is afraid that he will forget and rub his eye. So eye patch as a reminder! We've had a quiet day other than the one appointment with the eye doctor. I did take a nap this afternoon. I may feel the after effects of surgery more than he! He has eaten well today after missing meals yesterday! So as far as we know all is well at this point in his healing from cataract surgery. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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