Saturday, October 21, 2023

That Fall Glow!

Today has been a really pretty Fall day. As you can see from tonight's photos that leaves are changing...along with changing color they have begun to fall. Soon we will have a carpet of leaves everywhere. We had a fairly normal Saturday. Woody went to dialysis. While he was at dialysis, I did a Walmart run. Got things put away from that shopping trip and shortly had to pick up Woody. I got him home and settled and I headed upstairs for my monthly Zoom meeting with some Cottey College alum to discuss this month's book. We had our usual interesting discussion...I enjoy hearing the different opinions and thoughts on the books we read. I will say that it is not my usual intent to read books to analyze reading is escape and for pleasure...but I do enjoy hearing what others see in what we read and I put my two-cents worth in sometimes. My childhood friend was there today. I always enjoy getting to see her and getting to sort of chat with her. Today's book was about education so the ladies talked about their experiences in their early education and also in later experiences in high school and college. Randi and I could compare as we had been in school together from 1st grade through our years at Cottey...not something that happens very often. Today's book club was unique as many who joined us were actually on Cottey's campus for a alumnae board meeting. Anyway, we had a good meeting bouncing ideas around. I look forward to it each month. Today we got assigned a different book for December to take the place of one that had been chosen that still isn't available to purchase. I have read all the selections already except for this one and was pleased to find it as a selection that I was able to borrow immediately as an e-book. I started reading it today. November's selection is a book that already read before the book club was formed...none of the other books had I read prior to the club forming. I will just review a summary of it online before next month's meeting. i made homemade croutons today. Nathan and Elijah stopped by and they nibbled on them and gave them their approval. I wasn't sure what I was going to have to eat tonight, but in the end decided on a salad so I could give them a real tryout! They met my approval, also. We have done drops throughout the day per instructions. His eye is doing really well. Today he finally gave up his patch during the day and seems to have done well without it. He plans to wear it tonight when he sleeps, but othet than that I am guessing that the patch will be put aside. He did say that it is nicr to see out of that eye again! He has watched football today and has done his usual crossword puzzles. He's glad to have his computer back (Nathan had taken it to a computer "doctor" here in town). He is back to doing Wordle every day. He got a little light headed during dialysis today. I think that it is good that he is scheduled for a blood transfusion on Monday. It looks like that has finally gotten straightened out...results of labs and also his appointment time have shown up on the MyHealth at Vanderbilt app. I will get him to the hospital mid-morning Monday...the good Lord willin' and the Creeks don't rise! Do you know the background on that is actually the Creek Indians rather than a body of water creek...FYI! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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