Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tuesday Doings

We were up early heading to dialysis. While he was at dialysis I did some cleaning in Woody's room/the family room and washed his bedding. It's easiest to clean up in that room if he isn't in it! I think he is feeling a little better than yesterday...may have slept at least part of the night last night...but still isn't feeling the greatest. So far this evening, he has chosen to skip supper. I'm hoping to get to at least eat some yogurt before he goes to sleep...but we will see if I am successful! He did eat a very good breakfast and a good lunch. I worked in the library with Donna this afternoon...we deleted people! Does that sound bad? Well, what we were doing was trying to bring the list of library patrons in our computer up to date...many have moved away, grown up, passed away, etc. We had nine pages of patrons. We got about half-way through the list today and as I was deleting folk, I kept wondering how many pages we will have when we finish going through the list. Lots of memories when seeing some of the names...little children's faces as they eagerly checked out books, others who came in excited to find out we had another in a series, one sweet lady who came into the library every Wednesday night to visit and find something new to read...just lots of memories of friends over the years. I've worked in the library for close to fifty years...lots of folk have come through our doors. Lots of interesting requests...one of the best..."I'm trying to find a book that I read in the past. Will you help me find it again? It has a blue cover!" Do you think I found it for her with just that description?!? Or the gentleman, who enjoyed reading and would check out books to take with him when he traveled for work...he was bothered by some of the covers (maybe too feminine?). I considered sewing a book cover for him...but never did...might have but books vary in size so much that one size wouldn't fit all! Then there is the lady who came in asking if we had any good books...now that is a loaded question to ask a librarian! We've had fun in the library over the years. With the coming of the internet, reading an actual book is becoming less and less common. I know that I am one of those as it is hard for me to hold a book in my hand for a great length of time...a propped iPad or iPhone and swiping the screen to turn pages works easier for me these days...the librarian...I shouldn't confess that. BUT I still love real books! The best job of being librarian is buying books...I love to shop for books that I hope will appeal to others. I like getting them ready for the shelves aka getting them ready to place in people's hands! Woody has a down day tomorrow...no place he has to go. I do have plans for my day...a bit of galavanting...looking forward to it! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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