Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Milestones: 20, License, Cataract Surgery

Pictures are worth thousands of words! Tonight's photos tell that Abigail turned 20, Tennessee gained a new teenage driver by the name of Esther, and Woody had cataract surgery today. A big day for Dorrell households! It was a very long day for Woody. He left the house at 6am and didn't return till almost 3pm. I was able to come home for four of those hours while he had dialysis. At this point the surgery is a success. I guess we won't know how much of a success till he can see better out of that eye. I wonder if he will be able to tell any difference when we unpatch him at 6pm or 9pm to put in eye drops. His doctor came in after the surgery to talk to us and said that Woody's cataract wasn't the worst that he had ever removed, but that it was the worse that he had done in probably the last five years. I look forward to him realizing that he can see better. We were both really glad to be back home after that long day. As you can see from Woody's picture, he was already settling in for the evening. I hope he can sleep better tonight. Neither of us slept well last night. This is the first time that I have sat in my comfy chair since early this morning. I decided that I had better have Alexa remind me when it is time for the next drops, as I could easily fall asleep sitting here! I think that he was literally the last surgical patient of the day of any of the doctors. I know that I was the last person in the waiting room when they finally called me back. They didn't keep him around long after he came back to his cubicle. They gave me about two instructions and made him an appointment to go back to see the surgeon in the morning and then they had me go get the car and they were wisking him out the door. He was ready for his breakfast omelet when he got home. I put in two more drops and fed him! He has two more times of two drops before the evening is over. The time between drops is a bit shorter today because of surgery time. We will have the drops spaced a bit farther apart after today. The doctor just stresssed that he wanted the drops in four times by bedtime today and not worry about the spacing. Tomorrow we will do them breakfast, lunch, supper, and bedtime. The drops aren't as hard to get in as I thought they would be. I've done it twice so far...once this morning before he left for dialysis and then when he got home from the surgery center. I think I will sleep well tonight...as long as Woody does! Crossing my fingers that he is tired enough from not sleeping last night and then having dialysis and surgery today that he will sleep well! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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