Saturday, November 18, 2023

A Little Organizing

Time to get organized for Thanksgiving least give a little attempt at it. I always feel better once I go over what I am making and add needed ingredients to the grocery list. I decided that today was THE day to do the final, time will tell, grocery shopping for Thanksgiving week cooking. One thing I needed to do was get another pie plate, as we have added another pie to our pumpkin, pecan and apple. Woody brought home a suggested set of recipes from Fresenius the other day and the pie recommended was cherry. I was talked into it as I love cherry pie! of course now making six pies makes me gulp just a bit! After I dropped Woody off at the dialysis center, I headed to WalMart. I ended up getting a large pie plate (10") as I always have trouble getting my pumpkin pie filling into one 10" and one 9"...both are extra full...this should help. After my purchase of a pie plate at 6:30am, I headed home to finalize my grocery list. I neglected to mention last night that I ended up getting a small turkey at the grocery store down the street...first time that I have found a turkey that meets the sodium other words, a turkey that isn't pumped full of saline solution. I decided that since they had a small one, I would get one. Woody said that the turkey sandwich that he had at the hospital tasted pretty good so he wouldn't mind having some turkey for a change. I plan to cook the turkey in the next day or so...not going to wait till Thanksgiving as I will be pretty busy making pies on Thanksgiving Day! I have also chosen a couple of our favorite Thanksgiving recipes that are "ok," sort of, for Woody's diet. Anyway, I went through all the recipes added what I needed to the list and then headed off for Krogers. I have found that I like shopping at Kroger early on Saturday mornings as the shelves are really well stocked for their expected busy weekend shopping and at that hour not all the shoppers are out yet, since it is Saturday. I didn't even have to wait in line to check one in front of me. The check-out lady scanned them as fast as I unloaded them. I got home in time to be able to unload the car and get all the groceries put away before I needed to pick up Woody. I even did a little straightening/dusting of my little table next to my tends to get messy with stitching utinsels...they just needed to be organized a little. Woody was waiting when I got to the center. Once again, he was taken off a little early as he showed signs of clotting in his lines. He was rather weak and very hungry. I got him into the house and ensconsed in his chair and got him a snack to tide him over till lunch. After getting him settled, I headed upstairs to join my Cottey Zoom Book Club meeting. We had a lively discussion and enjoyed each other's company. We're starting to get to know the alum that we didn't know before. There are several from my class or the class below me. My longtime friend since early childhood put in an appearance but had to leave to go decorate for something for the historical society in my hometown in AZ. Zoom meeting was over which meant lunchtime. Woody continued working on his daily crossword puzzles. He has discovered that two of the puzzles that he works get more difficult as the week progresses and Saturdays are really difficult...which means that he doesn't get them done during dialysis as he needs extra help either from the internet or his crossword puzzle help books. He got those done and also enjoyed several football games this afternoon. I got into a few more boxes (this is getting old, and seemingly endless!). I am getting closer to just having ornament boxes left in the closet...a good sign. BUT I know that all the boxes aren't all ornaments as I am still missing some of my trees and snowmen...they are hiding very well this year! I did nap a little this afternoon. When I woke up, I decided that it was time to work some more on the Christmas stitching project. I made a little more headway on it. That got me to supper time...which is now is about cleaned up...Woody is settling in for the night...and, I'm writing the blog. That has you up to date on some of what we have done today...a little organizing for meals for the week, a little more decorating, a little more stitching and now I will head back to do a "little more" of something! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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