Saturday, November 11, 2023

Life is Always an Adventure Around Here!

Just to be sure that you realize that tonight's photo is not a caroler! Now to explain the photo. Woody had his usual dialysis treatment this morning. I did our grocery shopping while he ws there. i got all the perishables put away and left the rest in their bags to put away when we got home from his dialysis. Well, the first thing that he greeted me with when he came out of dialysis was that he was going to have to go to the hospital to get things arranged for a blood transfusion. His bloodwork came back from earlier this week was back and it showed that he once again needs a transifusion. I suggested that we go home and get him some lunch before we went to the hospital. Today being Saturday plus a holiday made our entering the hospital different than on the week days. Everyone has to enter through the ER. So I was pretty sure that the transfusion would be handled differently. Usually he goes in one day to get his blood typed and cross checked, etc. and then has the transfusion the next day or even the next. Well, today they put him in a room in the ER. They had trouble getting him stuck for both the blood draws and the IV...we lost count...but it took three different people trying and each of those stuck him at least twice and I'm pretty sure that the last one stuck him three fun...although, it sort of comes with the territory for Woody lately. Finally got all the bood they needed and an IV in place. Not long after that, they came in and said that they were going to have to get his blood from Chattanooga. His blood tested this time for an antibody which meant he needed irradiated blood and they don't have that in Tullahoma. Since it was going to mean a LONG time till his blood gets here, it was decided to admit him for overnight and then will do the transfusion whenever it gets here. It took a couple of hours to get him moved upstairs. He was ensconced in a room with a crossword puzzle book and the Tennessee Misourri game when I left to come home a little before 5pm. That is an interesting game for him...his undergraduate degree is from University of Missouri and his graduate degree is from the Universityn of does that mean that he can't lose with this game?!? I will hopefully go back and spring him tomorrow sometime. We got to the hospital a little after 11:30 this it was pretty much just twiddling thumbs until he got taken upstairs around 4:30pm. The weekend is not the time to need a transfusion! So not exactly the way we expected our Saturday to unfold! He is really feeling pretty well...for him! So he should feel even better once they release him! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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