Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Pretty Good Tuesday

Woody got up and going this morning...malaise seems to have left him. Now, he's not going to win any races, but he does feel much better today. He's eaten three good meals and has spent a lot of time working on some of his crossword puzzle books. I got back to work on decorating. The living room is "close" to being done except for the Christmas tree. And! Inhaven't even gotten close to the Christmas tree box, yet. I have even packed up most of the things that I had put on the dining room table. I have the boxes that contain the centerpiece for the dining room table so when I move a few more things I will get those out. I have also done some cross stitching on a Christmas piece. Now it is time for me to go down and at least put the ingredients together for Woody's breakfast sausage. I may wait for the morning to make the patties...that way I won't have to cook it all tonight and he will have it freshly cooked in the morning. I will cook the rest of the patties after I get his breakfast and then freeze them...it's a month's worth of sausage patties. He got a good report from Fresenius this morning...all the things they check for in his labs came back good...like phosphorus and potassium, calcium, how well he is being dialized, etc. Of course this is the blood work that sent him for a transfusion...so the red cells and hemoglobin aren't in line but should be much better now. He did talk with Dr. O this morning. Dr. O asked him if he felt like a young man after his transfusions. Woody said, "not quite!" I sent a note to the nurses asking them to consider changing his dry weight (weight they want him to be after dialysis), as the weight he might have put on might not be from retained fluids, but from him eating better. At this point in his dialysis, he is not retaining fluid and if they pull off too much he will be weak AND not be able to gain weight...we'll see if that note makes any difference. I was hoping they would discuss it with the doctor. Woody said that both nurses who worked with him today did read the note. I just know that I rarely pulled any fluids off when I was doing it at home. They weigh him as he comes in for treatment and again just before they wheel him out to the waiting room when he is ready to go home. Well, I'm going to go make the sausage mixture and check on Woody and probably do a little more with the decorating before I head vack upstairs. Got to get going on the decorating or we will still be in a mess for "Pie Day!" This year pie day is the day after Thanksgiving. Both Melany's family and Nathan's will come plus perhaps Kathy's parents if they come to Tullahoma for Thanksgiving and I expect Abigail will want to bring along a special young man! I think when I counted up there is a possibility of 17 including Woody and me, who may have pie in our abode that day! But...the good thing about that...that is all I will cook towards a Thanksgiving Day meal...just pie...no turkey or sides. Oh, Woody got a new schedule for dialysis for Thanksgiving week...I know I will be confused! But he will go Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday that week. And the usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday folk will go Sunday, Tuesday, Friday. The staff usually gets Sunday off, but this next week they will work Sunday so they can have Thanksgiving off. I'm having trouble with what day it is this week...I think because of losing the weekend to the hospital...I can imagine we will really be confused next week! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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