Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ready to Join the Troupe!?!

Looks like Isaac is ready to join the Dorrell family troupe...already attempting juggling skills! I spent some time next door trying to get a few pictures of Isaac. He hadn't had a "photo session" in several weeks. I think I got some cute ones. It was so fun to see him walk across the room and pick up the juggling rings. His siblings were so excited that he picked up three! I had a short school time with Elijah this morning and ended up not having school with the rest as they had a program at the local community college and had to leave mid-morning. After lunch I headed to the church library to work for a couple of hours. Donna and I opened up another couple of cans of worms...but once again we did accomplish quite a bit and left quite a bit to be accomplished next week! Woody went on a four-mile walk while I was at the library. He did do a bit in the yard despite the nippy temperatures this afternoon. He pruned back a couple of bushes in the garden...before they start putting out too much new growth. These particular bushes need to be cut back or they will take over. Well, Spring arrived today, but it is very chilly and supposed to get even chillier over in getting into the 20's. Brrrrrrrr! I'm ready for spring-like temperatures!

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