Monday, May 19, 2014

Look Whose Birthday It Is!

This has been another day to celebrate next door!  They have had quite the day as only seven children can have when it is their daddy's birthday!  Before the school day started Goosey (Woody) and I joined them for birthday present time.  Their mommy knew that if they waited for presents that she wouldn't get any school work out of them!  After presents, Isaac and I headed back to our house and we had his school time.  Then Elijah came over and had his time.  It took me a bit to get back up to speed after not having school for over a week since I hadn't been feeling well.  Esther, Joy and Graham came over and read to me.  Woody went for a walk while they were reading.  It has been a very pretty day...once again the temperatures have risen to where they should be at this time of the year.  I rested this afternoon.  Woody tried out a new recipe for baked onion rings over the weekend and liked them well enough to make them again today.  We just came home from having Nathan's birthday cake celebration.  Woody bought the children a pup tent for their daddy's birthday.  They have had a great time stuffing seven children into a two-man pup tent!  Graham climbed up into their attic and found another tent so they have had great fun playing in the tents this afternoon and evening.  Isaac especially loved it as this is his first experience in a tent.  He enjoyed zipping and unzipping the door flaps.  I still don't feel the greatest, but will say that I definitely feel better today than I did 42 years ago.  I had a bad kidney infection when Nathan was born and my fever was going up and down...often as high as 105!  I will say that I got to feeling better quickly after he decided to be born very quickly in the middle of the glad that the doctor put me in the hospital on the 18th.  Once Nathan decided that it was too hot in the oven, he came very quickly...before either the doctor or Woody could get to the hospital...and they were only 10 minutes away from the hospital.  Another doctor I had never seen before caught Nathan and then Nathan was whisked away from me.  He was considered immature rather than premature (3 weeks early).  But due to my infection they took extra precautions.  Neither Woody nor I got to touch him till he was six days old...all we could do was look at him through the nursery ICU window.  I got dismissed before he did.  So we made the trip to look at him once a day till they let him come home.  Things are definitely handled differently these days.  We would have been right there with him talking to him and at least patting him, etc. And, we were in California...much more progressive than TN at that time.  They were even going to let Woody come into the delivery room...that is if he had gotten there in time!  A dad in the delivery room wasn't even considered when we had Melany two years earlier in Tullahoma.

Happy Birthday, Nathan!  You've grown "just a little" from your birth weight of  5# 12oz. and length of 18"!  Thanks for sharing your day with us!

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