Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Stormy, Stormy!

At the moment a pretty severe storm is going through...rain, lightening, thunder. Woody is waiting for the storm to pass before he walks to the prayer room at church this evening (his walk for Tuesday). I had another day of school following our regular schedule. This week we are back to doing the children's long Grammy times. Joy had her time yesterday. She made great headway on her jeans skirt. She should be able to finish it next week. Isaac had his long time with me today. Joseph came over for a while and then Isaac had time by himself with me. After lunch Abigail and Joy came over to have their reading times. Isaac helped me clean put a kitchen cabinet. It was the one over the stove. I handed him things and he put them on the counter. I am really glad to get that cabinet organized again...it has certain Herb's and spices, olive oil, vinegars, pancake syrup and sundry other things. That's about the only cleaning I did today other than putting some dishes in the dishwasher. We had leftovers for supper...so no cooking other than warming up what struck our fancy. Woody worked out in the yard again this morning. It was quite warm...felt like a day that could produce some bad storms...there is just a feeling in the air both temperature and humidity-wise that just says potential storms. They had been predicted so these weren't a surprise. Welcome, first full day of Spring!

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