Thursday, October 10, 2019

Simple Machines = Levers = Hockey Stick

Today during Isaac's long time with me, he decided to go back to our "study" of simple machines using a K'nex learning kit.  First he built a wheel barrow, a class 2 lever.  Second he built a hockey stick, a class 3 lever.  Building the hockey stick made him want to build a couple of goals and find something for a puck.  Joseph was over working with my iPad and an Osmo math game.  Isaac invited Joseph to join him playing hockey down in the kitchen.  They built a hockey rink using books.  The hockey puck is one of the K'nex pieces that can be used as a pulley or a center of some of  the wheels.  They enjoyed doing this a lot...and maybe Isaac understands a little about levers and how they are simple machines that make work easier for us!  They even came back after lunch and set the game back up and Eijah came over and made a hockey stick and played with them for a while.  Never know where school learning will lead!  Learned something (hopefully!) and had great fun!  

I can't believe that another school week is under our belts.  This year is just flying by!  

Woody had a pretty usual day around the house...crossword puzzles, Scrabble on the computer, reading, watching some TV.  This afternoon he visited with one of his Deacon families, so he did go out for a little while.  

After making noodles twice this week, I sort of took the day off for cooking except for warming up leftovers. Oh, I did cook half the noodles that I made yesterday to go with the leftover meatballs and gravy. We both enjoyed that dish...we rarely have beef these days.  But I figured a couple of meatballs would be okay for a bit of a change!  I did fix a vegetable side dish for a member of our 
Sunday School class. She swerved to miss a dog and ended up with the airbags in her car going off 
which left her with two broken ribs and a broken bone in her ankle!  Sometimes airbags aren't such a good thing!!

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