Thursday, November 5, 2020

One Thing Leads to Another

Today I started out in the old school room/office. I moved things here and there and ended up clearing the table and dusting it. I decided that I needed to attempt to order a new toner cartridge for the copier that is on that table. I did manage to get that ordered along with a black ink cartridge for our printer...good job done. I cleaned out a couple more storage tubs...I consolidated all our packing materials (bubble wrap, etc.) and mailing envelopes into one tub. That left me a tub to put in some more of the school items that were in the form of kits. So got those put in and away. I moved two tubs that had been under the table into the closet...thus giving me knee room for the new use I have planned for the table...a place for my older sewing machine. I brought upstairs the ladder back chair, that had been at the desk in the family room which got ousted due to where the dialysis cycler machine needs to be when not in use, to use for a sewing chair...its seat is a bit higher than the dining room chairs which should be better for sewing...that way my chin won't be right on the bed of the machine! I haven't been able to try out my new "sewing station" because I haven't been able to locate an extension cord. I was sure that I had one stored in my needlework cabinet...but so far haven't found it...but...I do have three cubby holes in the needlework cabinet cleaned and straightened. I found things that I hadn't thought about in years! I am getting more and more inclined to get back to my needlework. I vacuumed the office/sewing/guest room. There is a twin bed in there so it has always been able to be used for a guest. I am planning to make some more pillows to prop up along the wall to give it the look of a day pillows will fill in the spaces where some stuffed animals used to be...they are now in a storage tub in the closet also. I am about done in that room...though I am considering transferring the children's books to the bookshelves in the sewing room and put all my sewing and needlework books on the bookshelf in the office/sewing room. I'm not sure that I am up to that transfer job at the moment. The room looks good straightened up...I still have to get Joy and Esther to come get the art things that are theirs. I have an art storage tub that I think I will clean out and place the other art things in there that they don't take...we'll see. Now to find or go buy an extension cord/surge protector so I can use the sewing machine in its new place. Woody has had an uneventful day watching TV, reading, resting, working crossword puzzles, and perhaps playing a solitaire game or two. His dialysis has gone smoothly again today. He is on the fourth cycle of today's treatment. Again, he should be finished between 9:30 and 10pm. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! And, continue to be patient awaiting the results of the election!

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