Monday, November 2, 2020

Labor Intensive Day

Today has been a full day for me...mainly cooking. I made our recipe for Pulled Pork and that is labor intensive. It cooks for 3 to 4 hours and during that time I am having to attend it for one thing or another...skimming fat, cutting up the roast into smaller pieces during the cooking process, trimming fat from the meat as I cut it up, and finally shredding it with long forks. The end product is well worth the effort! This recipe has several pluses...high protein for Woody and there is a lot of it so I can have some for now and will freeze some for future enjoyment. I also made Woody's breakfast sausage this evening...after I got all the other mess cleaned up. The clean up for the barbecue is labor intensive too...thank goodness for a dishwasher! I was about done in by the time it was time to clean up so I got as much loaded into the dishwasher as was possible and got it running and then headed upstairs for a little while to rest my back. I went back down when the dishwasher was through...unloaded it and loaded it up with some that wouldn't fit in the first time. Then I ran a sink full of hot soapy water and washed the items that I don't put in the dishwasher and wiped down the stove and the counters. Then wnet back upstairs to rest a little longer before it was time to fix our supper. After I got those dishes loaded, I made Woody's breakfast pork sausage. I still have to go down and wash the griddle and wipe off the stove...both were still to hot to do that before I came up to blog. I am very ready to collapse in my recliner. I continue to go through through the Colonial Homes and saved the ones that I want and will go through the others and decide if I will keep some more or get rid of them. Now I am going through some cross stitch magazines. As I look through them, I am getting the bug to do a little stitching...and, I may. I am not ready to get rid of these magazines...yet...still see too many things that I "might" want to stitch "sometime." I have pulled one magazine out opened to a graph that I think I might work seems to be a fit for a gift need. Today's BIG throw away was quite a few years of calendars...I had saved them due to my "once upon a time" scrapbooking. The information in them is amazing...especially my earlier ones when Melany and Nathan were still at home. And, they did help me when I was scrapbooking, but I'm just not into making scrapbooks these days. I glanced through them and they made me tired...there was a LOT going on in those days! I'm sort of glad that my life has slowed down. But all of those except for one are now history that made it to file 13...actually they are out the door and in the garbage for pick up on Wednesday. The one I kept was a Williamsburg calendar and I just couldn't let go of the pictures on that calendar. Woody has had a good day. He is probably on the last cycle of today's dialysis. It should be through around 9:30 or so. All the cycles have gone like clockwork today. It is cold here. Last night it got down into the upper 20's and they said that tonight was supposed to be even colder. It was nippy when I went outside to take trash to the garbage can and to get our mail. We are staying in mostly and managing to stay warm. There is supposed to be a warming trend after tonight. I'm not really ready for cold weather...but I guess turning the calendar to November foretells that colder temperatures are probably on the way! Cheryl, my favorite sister...ummmmm only sister, called today...our first call since the time changed yesterday and we moved an hour closer to each other without getting out of our chairs! I like being only an hour different than Arizona in time...but I'm not real fond of the way it gets dark so early. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! And, vote tomorrow if you haven't already!

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