Saturday, October 31, 2020

Once in a Blue Moon!

Wow! What a day...a Hunter's Moon Day, A Blue Moon Day, Halloween, plus another day in the Covid 19 Pandemic...what more could we wish for?!? I should be publishing a picture of tonight's Hunter's/Blue moon...and, I can see when I peek out the's position currently is interfered with by a street light. Maybe...when it is higher in the sky...not sure that our trees that still have most of their leaves will let me capture it either. Tonight's photo is one of the scenes that Marie and I captured on our apple/barn trip yesterday. I love to see how creative folk can get with their hay rolls! I thought, when looking through the camera view finder, that I was capturing a hay monster...but then when I pulled the camera away from my eye I realized that it was a giant spider! I often don't see the "whole" picture till I am looking at it later when I get it transferred to the computer and can see i large on the screen. I did realize that this was a spider while I was there but not till after I took several pictures of it. Today was my grocery shopping day...something that I do every other week since the pandemic began. We seem to be doing well going less often to the grocery store. I seem to still have food at the end of the two-week period. I guess it is time to do some more cooking. When I am sewing, I tend to do less cooking...but I am afraid that currently I will need to do both. I did do some more sewing last night after I blogged. What I am making now looks like a pair of trousers...waist band/elastic and hems in two legs is what is left. Pants are pretty easy...and, these I have put pockets in...when I am really in a hurry I tend to want to skip pockets...but for these I wanted pockets Today we have continued with our leftovers of what I have cooked this week...tomorrow I plan to start on the next cooking session. I have a couple of things that I am going to make that have a long cooking time so I will start them in the morning...well, I will start the beans soaking for our French Market Soup (one of Woody's requests)tonight and then get them simmering in the morning. With our strange Sunday morning schedule due to Covid...I can cook things like that throughout the morning and still "go to" church. I will get the soup simmering and keep an eye on it while we watch First Baptist, Tullahoma's service on my iPad in the family room. I will say that Covid has given us a gift in the way our church service is lets us "attend" from home, which is what we need to do at this time to keep Woody away from as many germs as possible. Our church continues to do a drive-in church in our park across the street from the main building. It is well attended both there and online. We appreciate the efforts of our church staff in making it possible to attend while sheltering at home. And, both Woody and I feel like we have been to church when the service is over. It is a good start to our week. Woody has been watching football this afternoon while he has been having his dialysis treatment. We got it started a little later this afternoon due to my grocery shopping. But Woody reminded me that we were really starting on time due to the time change tonight...when I get finished with the blog tonight, I will begin doing the clock changing...turning them back an hour...then we will be on time!?! After I got Woody's dialysis started and got the groceries put away, I was pretty done in...but I did get rested after sitting in my recliner for a little while. I went back to sorting through magazines that I have stored in a storage tub. This time my Colonial Homes...the only regular magazine that I have saved over the years other than those that deal with cross stitch or sewing. I really struggle getting rid of them...they are just "me"...they show my interest in history and my interests in furnishings. At the moment I am looking through each of them and putting them in two has articles about places we have visited over the years or some other interest that I have...perhaps it is an article about colonial architecture or furnishings or a colonial craft that perhaps I have seen when visiting historical places. So far the piles are unequal...the one that has magazines with articles about where I haven't been is higher than the one where I have been. I plan to definitely keep the one stack...and then will read the articles in the others that interest me and I will decide if I will keep those or not...right now I am just thumbing through them...a slow but enjoyable process. I've been listening to old songs on my iPad while I have been doing this...first the Mamas and Papas...listening to "Woody's and my song,""Dream a Little Dream of Me." Then I switched to Johnny Mathis and was listening to some of the easy listening music that I enjoyed when I was in college...and, still do to this day. Well, I guess it is time to go down and get the beans to soaking so I can make French Market soup in the morning. I have another long cooking recipe that I plan to make, but only have one large burner on this stove and also only have one large stock bean soup first! I can make the other, Bragg's barbeque, another day...just because we can since we have no where to go. So off to soak beans and then back to sorting thorugh magazines. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious...on this Halloween, blue/hunter's moon night...don't forget to set your clocks back before you head to bed tohignt...that is UNLESS you are some of my Arizona readers, who are lucky and don't have to mess with their clocks...either the clocks in their houses or their bodily clocks...I know that my body will be confused for some time!

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