Saturday, October 10, 2020

Pandemic Invite

Today's mail brought the first of its kind to our household...a virtual wedding invitation! One of my bestest friend's son is getting married in November. The thing about this invitation is that due to the pandemic I will actually be able to attend...virtually. I'm excited to attend my very first ever virtual wedding. God's grace Eric and Erin in the days leading up to your wedding day. I just realized as I was transferring the pictures from my point-and-shoot camera to my laptop that I hadn't transferred any since the very beginning of the pandemic...the photos that came off started with the barn trip that we took back in March just prior to starting to shelter at home. I rarely leave photos on my camera, but because I had been using my iPad, I had left them on the camera because I can transfer them wirelessly. But now I am back to my laptop so have to connect and transfer them from camera to laptop...and momentarily I thought that I had forgotten how since it had been so long. But I managed to get them all onto the MyPassport external drive...over 500 photos! I really don't like working with my photos on the laptop as it no longer is very friendly with my photoshop software. I can work on about one picture and then the program shuts down...frustrating. So you won't see much processing these days when I post photos. I can do a little about exposure with the camera software so that will have to do. We had another good evening with dialysis...time was again shortened just a bit. Woody did get sick though toward the end of the treatment. He has been feeling so much better that it was a surprise...I think to both of us. We got it cleaned up the best we could last night and ran the washer...then this morning I got out my Little Green Machine and did some spot cleaning on his chair and on the floor next to the chair. Tonight's treatment is going right along. He is in the midst of the third far each of the cycles have taken just a little over an hour and both times more fluid was taken out than was put in...which is good. Today I made a soup that Woody had requested: Spicy Vegetable Beef. One of the soups that had been off his list of foods because it both has tomatoes and potatoes in it. I think he was happy to have it again. The soup has shredded cabbage in it so I shredded the whole cabbage that I had and put in what was called for in the soup and then used the rest to make Connie's German Woody can finish up the Baked Beans! After I got Woody connected I vacuumed the dining room and the living room. I will have to vacuum the family room another time. I didn't want to do it while his dialysis is taking place. Woody has enjoyed watching football games during the first part of his dialysis...not sure what there is to watch this evening...or if he will read. We both like it much more now that we are finishing before going to sleep. Last night we were completely finished by around 11...and then we can both get a decent night's sleep...and get up and begin all over again. Today I played a memory game with Kathy...she sent photos of some of the girls' clothes that I had made and I had to remember which one I had made them for...not very hard for me...only one wasn't I totally positive about...and that only because I remembered that I had made jumpers for all three at the same time and I just had to remember which one went with which girl...but without seeing the other two. I guessed right...but did check in my "digital sewing photo records" to be sure. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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