Saturday, December 19, 2020

Christmas Pleasures: Peppermint Ice Cream

Today was the first time, this Christmas season, to indulge in one of our favorite Christmas treats: Peppermint Ice Cream. The first taste always transports me back to my childhood...a taste that provides me of memories of the past...both in our household here in Tennessee and when I was growing up in Arizona. And, it tasted just as good today as it did all those many years back! Today was a busy day for shopping day. It always takes me two hours from when I leave to when I pull back into the driveway...two hours of decision making! Today, when I got home, I only put away the things that had to be put into the refrigerator/freezer because it was time to set up Woody's dialysis. While the dialysis solution was warming on top of the cycler machine, I put away a few more items. Woody decided that he wanted a banana high protein shake for lunch so I made that for him after I got his dialysis going for today's treatment. After I gave him his shake it was time to put away the rest of the groceries. By the time that I got those put away, I was hardly interested in me eating lunch. I did eat a little something and then sat down and rested for a while. At some point I took a pretty good shopping wears me out! I have done some more organizing in the kitchen and am ready to make a pot of soup tomorrow. I usually don't have enough energy to cook on grocery shopping day. I am always happy that we still have some leftovers in the fridge to tide us over till I have built up enough energy to cook again. I'm planning on making one of our favorite soup recipes...I don't think that Woody has eaten it in 2-1/2 years. I maybe have made it for me once in that time. Woody said that it sounded good so we will give it a try. I woke up early this morning and ended up reading for a while...finished another book. I think that it was my 106th book to finish this year. I started another Christmas novel that takes place on Nantucket Island. I visited Nantucket Island when I was a teenager so I am always intrigued to read books that take place there. Woody has done his usual. He has read, watched TV, worked his daily crossword puzzles and also worked on a puzzle book that the farmers (Nathan, Kathy and family) gave him for his birthday. He helped me out by having the dislysis solution bags brought in from the living room for today's less thing that I had to do upon my return from groceries. Once again I have heard of another friend who has Covid and is in the hospital. I have been made aware that CNN featured our county and perhaps Tullahoma itself due to the rapid rise in the outbreak of Covid here. But they call us a metropolatin area?????? I believe that they included a lot of rural area surrounding us. But it is still bad just about everywhere so...Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! 'Tis the season!

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