Friday, December 11, 2020

Let It Snow

This year, I haven't done much decorating in the family room/Woody's room because surfaces are taken up with dialysis supplies. I decided to just put up three things on the mantel..."hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil" snowmen, a tree that has melting snowmen at its base and snowman heads (bells) in each of the circles on the tree. The wreath Melany made and gave us last year so this is the first year that I have used it in the decorations. I think that it works well sitting on the mantel. At least a little something Christmasy/wintry in the room where Woody spends most of his time these days. Today has been a pretty slow-going day. I have done quite a bit of stitching on my needlepoint piece (easy to lose track of time when stitching). Woody has read, worked crossword puzzles, watched TV and wrapped presents (a big help!). He had one really long and skinny package to wrap for Elijah and he was having trouble finding gift wrap that was big enough for it...we had used up most of our Christmas wrap last year and now that we have self quarantined...well, needed to come up with a way to wrap it and not have to go out and buy any. I opened the door to go check the mail and a gift literally fell in the door...a Christmasy bucket with everything needed to wrap some presents (3 rolls of paper, gift tags, and tape) plus some Christmas goodies. The tag read "Something to help you wrap up 2020!" How nice...definitely a serendipity that came at just the right moment. Woody went right to work and wrapped up the rest of our gifts while he was at it! Good job done! Closer to being ready for Christmas...whenever it happens! I have texted with Kathy today and she says that she feels great as do the rest of the family...hope that they all stay feeling great! We have learned today of more friends who have come down with Covid here in town. One person had no idea she had it. Her place of work had all their employees test for Covid since so many in Tullahoma have it. She tested positive and thus is quarantined...just two doors down from us. We found out that a lady in one of Woody's deacon families has Covid and is in the hospital and not doing well (she has many underlying health issues). Tullahoma seems to be dropping one by one and we are hoping not to be a part of the statistics! I got a reminder call for my six-month check-in with my personal care physician which was scheduled for Monday. I told them that I thought that they probably didn't want me to come in since I had possibly been exposed. They wanted to know if I was quarantining and when I had been exposed. After I told them that I was self-quarantining and when, they said that they would cancel my appointment and for me to call back when it was okay for me to come in. I think/know that that time will be after the new year. I wasn't all that thrilled to have to be up and out of here really early on Monday to travel 45 miles for an 8am appointment. We are supposed to have another drop in temperatures Sunday and maybe even flurries on Monday. We will be glad to stay home all snug in our warm house and not go out! Woody's dialysis treatments continue to go well. He is well into today's treatment with probably 2-2-1/2 hours remaining. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! 'Tis the season!

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